- +(94) 37- 3139796
- deanfm@wyb.ac.lk
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:30

Infectious disease specialty is incorporated into two modules in the paraclinical curriculum: Infection module 1 and Infection module 2, which comprise of microbiology and parasitology domains.
The microbiology component of Infection 1 module is designed to enable the students to comprehend the characteristic features of microbes, source, transmission and pathogenesis of common infective diseases. Furthermore, principles of specimen collection, laboratory diagnosis of microbial infections, management and preventive measures are also introduced.
The teaching methodologies include lectures, wet practicals, student seminars and small group discussions
The microbiology component of Infection II module is designed to enable the students to comprehend pathogenesis of common infectious diseases and their relationship to the clinical presentation. Furthermore, methods of specimen collection, laboratory diagnosis of specific microbial infections and interpretation of reports, principles of management and preventive measures are also introduced.
The teaching methodologies include lectures, wet practicals, student seminars and small group case-based discussions to enhance the analytical thinking skills.
The Immunology segment is incorporated into the Blood and Immune module. The students are familiarized with Hypersensitivity reactions, anaphylaxis, immunotolerance, autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, transplantation, active and passive immunization, immunological methods of diagnosis and immunomodulating medications during this module using lectures, small group discussions and practicals.
+(94) 37 3138252
headmicrobiology@wyb.ac.lk headmicrobiology@wyb.ac.lk
Department of Microbiology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Labuyaya, Kuliyapitiya,60200
Faculty of Medicine,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka.