- +(94) 37- 3139796
- deanfm@wyb.ac.lk
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:30

The Department of Parasitology is mainly involved in the teaching of Parasitology, Entomology and Envenomation to medical undergraduates. The Infection Module is a combined module consisting of Parasitology and Microbiology. This module has been divided into two, the year 2 semester II (Y2SII) includes infection module 1 (03 credits), and the year 3 semester I(Y3SI) includes infection module 2 (03 credits).
Parasitology is the study of parasites, their host, vectors and relationship between them. The teaching is mainly focused on medically important helminthes, protozoan including vectors that transmit parasitic diseases. Epidemiology, Biology, disease, diagnosis and treatment are the main study areas. Furthermore, the department is determined to use concepts of one health approach in the control of zoonoses, and emerging and reemerging parasitic diseases. In addition, the department is involved in teaching of identification of venomous snakes, envenomation, and snakebite management.
+(94) 37 3138252
headparasit@wyb.ac.lk headparasit@wyb.ac.lk
Department of Parasitalogy,
Faculty of Medicine,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Labuyaya, Kuliyapitiya,60200
Faculty of Medicine,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka.