- +(94) 37- 3139796
- deanfm@wyb.ac.lk
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:30

The surgical teaching commences in the latter half of the second year following successful completion of Second MBBS examination and further runs through the next three and a half years. This imperative and exciting segment of clinical training takes place over a period at least of 40 weeks. Minimum of 12 weeks of pre-professorial training in General Surgery plus eight weeks of Professorial Surgery will be supplemented by nine essential Sub-specialty appointments as well as another few elective appointments. Possession of prior knowledge of basic sciences and para-clinical sciences is of paramount importance in successfully achieving the learning outcomes stated herein.
The students are guided to learn the subject matter and gather abilities of history taking and eliciting of physical signs. We fortify students with relevant knowledge and essential skills in order to recognize diseases and disorders related to surgery including surgical emergencies. Besides, they are expected to identify and gather expertise of investigating and managing them. The students must appreciate the operative theatre etiquette, universal precautions, sterilization and disinfection, assist in surgical procedures, and gain awareness about basic instrument handling. Students are enabled to acquire necessary knowledge and skill on the perioperative management as well as the follow-up management including spectrum of auxiliary surgical care available and how to use them for the patient benefit such as orthosis, prosthesis, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy etc. Students are guided to become a professional doctor with sound practice on medical ethics with a drive towards research and continuous medical education.
The clinical rotation includes Introductory Clinical Appointment, First –Second-Third Surgery Appointment (4 weeks each), Orthopedic Surgery (3 weeks), and two week appointments in Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery, Radiology, Genito-Urinary Surgery, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (ENT), Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Accident & Trauma, Vascular Surgery. Further, one week of optional appointments (Paediatric Surgery/ Plastic surgery/ Cardio-thoracic surgery/ Oncosurgery) and finally Professorial Surgical Appointment (8 weeks).
The pedagogies we practice are Consultant’s in ward teaching rounds, Ward based procedure related skills and Direct Observed Procedures(DOPs), Theatre sessions (casualty/ routine)- skills in assisting, performing under supervision, Endoscopy session demonstrations, Clinic- Case-based discussions (CBD) and Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (MiniCEX), Casualty work engagements, Small group discussions, Ward classes – tutorials, Guided self-learning- student presentations and student led seminars, Para-clinical module based large group teaching- Lecture discussions and Student portfolio.
The assessment methods we utilized are composed of portfolio-based Viva Voce, MiniCEX, DOPs, OSCE, OSPE, MCQs, Essays, 360-degree feedback, Short and long cases.
+(94) 37 3138252
headsurgery@wyb.ac.lk headsurgery@wyb.ac.lk
Department of Surgery,
Faculty of Medicine,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Labuyaya, Kuliyapitiya,60200
Faculty of Medicine,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka.