The Wayamba University is located at Kuliyapitiya Electorate of Kurunegala District in the North Western Province having over 2.3 Mn. population, which accounts for about 11.6 % of the total population in Sri Lanka.
Establishing a new Faculty of Medicine at a distant University needs to meet certain basic criteria in view of the scope for medical education such as availability of patients, reasonably developed hospitals for clinical training, a passage between faculty premises and the hospital, recruitment and retention of qualified staff and room availability for sustainable development in future.
The Wayamba university is fortunate in having access to two most developed hospitals in the North Western Province viz. the Teaching Hospital, Kuliyapitiya and the General Hospital, Kurunegala. The faculty is established in a 28 acre land in Labuyaya area on the Kuliyapitiya –Kurunegala main road.
It would be possible for the Kuliyapitiya Base Hospital to provide clinical training for about 120 medical students during the first 2-3 years until the Professorial Unit is set up and facilities of the hospital are upgraded to that of a teaching hospital so that the latter half of the programme can also be conducted at Kuliyapitiya Hospital itself.
There are fifteen (15) Departments of Study offering 5 year MBBS course. The Departments are: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Community Medicine & Family Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Microbiology, Parasitology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Psychiatry and Medical Education.