
All requests related to existing applications should be submitted to the ERC office by the relevant deadlines along with applicable processing fees.

Amendments to the already approved proposals should be approved by the ERC prior to implementation. To obtain approval for proposed amendments please submit documents listed below with applicable processing fees. Your request will be included in the agenda for the next available ERC meeting, provided it is received by relevant deadline and is complete.

  1. Amendment request from  
  2. Summary of amendments with reasons and page number
  3. One (1) hard copy of complete proposal including PIS, ICF and data collection tools with changes highlighted and updated date and version number*
  4. Progress report. Please follow guidelines for writing progress report
  5. A CD containing PDF files of all documents in this list.
  6. Payment receipt if applicable
  7. Copy of ERC approval letter
  8. ERC checklist

*If the amendments are minor such as inclusion of a study site, addition of a new investigator, title change, submit only one hard copy. Contact Secretary, ERC if further clarification is needed.