For the first time, the Department of Anatomy offered a workshop on human anatomy to Kuliyapitiya zone A/L Biology students. On 4th and 11th October 2022, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., this was conducted as a two-day workshop in the common microscopic laboratory and the dissection hall. Along with biology teachers from the same schools and the deputy director of science in the Kuliyapitiya educational zone, biology students in grade 13 from several schools in the area attended the workshops.

The academic staff of the department of anatomy taught a variety of fascinating theoretical and practical sessions on the structure and functioning of various organ systems of the human body. Students from the faculty conducted a near-peer teaching that was absolutely interesting.

Biology students who are about to sit the A/L Biology exam in January 2023 benefited in several ways. The students had the chance to brush up on their understanding of the human body’s organ systems, observe cadavers, engage in MCQ discussions with faculty students, and study human body imaging.